Day-05: Solidity Insights (02) #100DaysOfCode #MyLearnings

Day-05: Solidity Insights (02) #100DaysOfCode #MyLearnings


2 min read


You begin with something & challenges come on the way, the most challenging thing is to maintain consistency, and in my case, it is to maintain with my work... My y perspective is to keep things moving, if not at most then at least... That's what I did today, did at least I could do along with the workload. Overall day was productive but not in a learning sense...still am happy.

Overall learning was less, but am moving ahead...experimenting with the concepts & code in Solidity, some of the insights are listed below,

Concepts Covered

Deploying Contracts from the contracts themselves i.e. from the code itself:

The ability of contracts to seamlessly interact with each other is known as Composability.

import "contracts/SimpleStorage.sol";

contract StorageFactory{
SimpleStorage public simpleStorage;
function createSimpleStorageInstance() public{
simpleStorage = new SimpleStorage();

Interacting with contracts form code:

Interacting with other contracts needs two things, the address of the contract & ABI(Application Binary Interface)

To access the functionalities of other contracts, first, we need to access that particular

contract for which we need either address or ABI(Application Binary Interface)


To me, an ABI is a contract instance & assigning it to a particular variable would initialize with that particular instance & not create the new one, as done below.

SimpleStorage simpleStorage = simpleStorageArray[index];

simpleStorage.addPeople(name, favNumber);

Another way could be to use the address to initialize the particular contract by parsing it to

the constructor, which will assign the instance at that particular address to a variable.

SimpleStorage simpleStorageWithAddress = SimpleStorage(simpleStorageArray[index]);

simpleStorageWithAddress.addPeople(name, favNumber);


So far these are some of the learnings that I can share with you all, I've tried to put everything as per my understanding & there's a chance that I might've mistaken somewhere, so, feel free to correct me on anything in the comments.

Wrapping up my Day-05 of #100DaysOfCode, will catch up again tomorrow, till then, it's a farewell.